Specializes in
Criminal and Civil Litigation

What We Stand For
The Firm’s mission is to provide full litigation services to its clients at a reasonable cost in a variety of areas of practice, such as construction accident/defect and personal injury matters, first party insurance coverage issues, contract and transactional disputes, and criminal cases.
The Firm is dedicated to providing advice to its clients on the best resolution to a given case, whether that be mediation/settlement or movement of a matter through discovery and trial, with primary focus on cost effectiveness and streamlining.
Our Business Sectors
There Is No Lawyer More Eloquent Than the Heart.
Sylvain Maréchal (1788)

Our Values
Clients First: We will place our clients’ interests first, the firm’s interests second, and individuals’ interests third.
Purpose: We will be relentless in working to achieve our clients' and the firm's goals.
Integrity: We will conduct ourselves in accord with the highest ethical and professional standards at all times.
Respect: We will treat everyone at the firm in a respectful, candid, and collegial manner and we will uphold our commitment to diversity and community involvement
Collaboration: We will conduct ourselves in the spirit of shared effort.
Continuous Improvement: We will constantly strive to improve our performance.